DZOFilm Vespid

Lens T-Stop Close Focus Front Diameter Mount Format Weight
16mm T2.8 9.84" 80mm PL LF 2.05 lbs
25mm T2.1 1' 80mm PL LF 2.08 lbs
35mm T2.1 1' 80mm PL LF 2.08 lbs
50mm T2.1 1'3" 80mm PL LF 1.61 lbs
75mm T2.1 9.84" 80mm PL LF 1.91 lbs
Macro 90mm T2.1 10.16" 80mm PL LF 1.76 lbs
100mm T2.1 2'3" 80mm PL LF 1.96 lbs
125mm T2.1 2'7" 80mm PL LF 2.04 lbs

Use our @DZOfilm Vespid Prime Set to capture that cinematic look you want, even when your budget doesn’t align with your creative vision.

The 8 primes range from 16mm  – 125mm and project a 46.5mm image circle, which makes them perfect lenses for full frame digital cinema cameras.

The smaller size of these lenses is ideal for shooting handheld, mounting onto a gimbal, or for use with a drone.